There are discrete type of adult tricycle to suit different population needs. While planning to buy your first adult tricycle, you might find it is a little too extraordinary seeing all different brands, designs and models. It would be good if you have some basics ideas about tricycle types, price range and other information. Here are some of the explanation and reference.
Delta vs. Tadpole
Tri Cycle
These two terms may seems new to you but they are assuredly fairly easy to differentiate. A delta tricycle has two wheels in the rear, while a tadpole has an opposite design, with the two wheels in the front.
Upright vs. Recumbent
There are two forms of tricycles, upright and recumbent. An upright trike looks similar to a children tricycle. As for recumbent tricycle, there are come with different designs. Some of which are fairly tall and some of which are quite low.
Price range
Generally, upright tricycle is cheaper than the recumbent. The price of a tricycle is always much more depends on the mechanical designs (folding function or not), materials, single speed or many speeds, etc. The more solid or complicated built a trike is, the more the price it cost. The most precious trike would be those hybrid / motorized tricycles. These machines normally will cost you over thousand dollars.
These are some of the considerable understanding about adult tricycle. Every buyer should have these basics idea on mind before they conclude which type or model of adult trike they would like to purchase. By doing some easy research, you will understand your own needs and preference in order to pick your best tricycle.
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